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Otsus as a Middle Way to Overcome Various Problems in Papua

  Discussions on Law Number 21 Year 2001 regarding SpecialAutonomy for Papua need to be carried out comprehensively and not partially. This was revealed by Willem Wandik, a member of Commission V DPR RI from the Papua electoral district. Willem reminded that the presence of the Papua Special Autonomy Law was not merely a gift from the government, but on the basis of the spirit and hard struggle of the Papuan people. According to him, Otsus Papua is presented as a middle way related to problems in Papua. Willem said the discussion on the Papua Special Autonomy Bill was interpreted as a solution to Indonesia's constitutional and sovereignty, so it could not be partially. Therefore, in the formation of the Papua Special Autonomy Committee (Pansus), although this is part of the government's initiative, it is hoped that the discussion of this special autonomy will be given more comprehensive attention, not partially. "The discussion on Otsus comprehensively will c

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